Integrated Reports/Annual Reports

SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group issues an integrated report instead of an annual report. In the Integrated Report 2023, we explain how we are working to create corporate value and contribute to solving social issues with the aim of achieving our 2030 Long-term Vision of realizing a sustainable society and the sustainable growth of Group. This report is available as a PDF.

Integrated Report 2023 (Year Ended March 31, 2023)


  • SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group's Principles
  • SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group Accomplishments
  • SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group's Business Domains
  • Message from the President & CEO  [ Click here for WEB version ]
  • Value Creation Process
  • Key Issues (Materialities)
  • Mutual Prosperity with Stakeholders
  • Respect for Human Rights
  • Addressing Risks and Opportunities
  • Financial and Non-financial Highlights
  • Long-term Vision, Vision 2030
  • Review of the Medium-term Management Plan
  • Medium-term Management Plan, Drive 2022
    • Growth Image and Strategic Investment
    • Investment and Financial Strategies
    • Returns to Shareholders
    • Mainstay Business Strategies
    • Revenue Business Strategies
    • Segment Information
  • Products to Enhance Sustainability
  • Innovation
    • Interview with the Director Responsible for the New Business Development Department  [ Click here for WEB version ]
    • New Products and Businesses
    • Research & Development/Intellectual Property
  • Human Capital
  • Environment
  • DX
  • Internal Control
  • Risk Management
  • Corporate Governance
    • Roundtable Discussions between Outside Directors  [ Click here for WEB version ]
    • Board of Directors, Audit & Supervisory Board Members
    • Composition and Skills Matrix of the Board of Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board
    • Corporate Governance System
    • Cross-Shareholdings
    • Remuneration for Officers

Integrated Report/Annual Report Library (back numbers)

Integrated Report 2022 (Year Ended March 31, 2022)

Integrated Report 2021 (Year Ended March 31, 2021)

Integrated Report 2020 (Year Ended March 31, 2020)

Integrated Report 2019 (Year Ended March 31, 2019)

SHIFT to "Next Stage"

Integrated Report 2018 (Year Ended March 31, 2018)

Accelerate the SHIFT!

Integrated Report 2017 (Year Ended March 31, 2017)


Integrated Report 2016 (Year Ended March 31, 2016)

Move on toward our destination.

Annual Report 2015 (Year Ended March 31, 2015)

The Future is ours

Annual Report 2014 (Year Ended March 31, 2014)

Creating a New World for a Brighter Future

Annual Report 2013 (Year Ended March 31, 2013)


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